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 Experience report
The database of the Time Management System „ZS-TimeCalculation“ is located on this drive and a significant acceleration in complex analyzes can be felt.

Current tasks such as manuals or other files are also available as current favorites on drive. The „TMP“ directory of „RAMSyncDrive“ is fun for any downloads or just quickly temporary issues that otherwise always inundate of other drives.

This works reliably without data loss and is even on a fast Mac Pro with 2 x 2.93 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon, 12 GB RAM and a 512 GB SSD, a performance Profit, which is perceived in my daily work.

I‘m looking forward to more projects, not only in the development sector with „RAMSyncDrive“. The drive is also used as a fast backup to a USB stick for mobile use. The source directory lies here on an encrypted image that will just copied.

Send us your experience report, wishes and ideas to info@zsystems.de.


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