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 Examples of applications

1. Ramdisk as storing temporary files

Save this after the launch of „RAMSyncDrive“ just in TMP directory of ramdisk. When you exit „RAMSyncDrive“ contents of this directory will lost.

2. Ramdisk to speed up Applications

Save data files of an application on ramdisk and refer within in your application. This is depending upon the application.

Example: Requires an application a database that is on the ramdisk („/RAMSyncDrive/Datenbank.XY“), then define the location of the database within the application.

In applications such as word processing programs documents directly edited on ramdisk.

Or you can move the cache directory on your web browser into the ramdisk.

Straight to slow hardware this brings a significant speed gain. However, this always depends on the application. Also with fast hardware more power can be achieved.

3. Accelerate processes

There is always more complex sequences on a computer. This can be a build of a compiler. Use here your drive in memory to save time every day. Also, the RamDisk can serve in virtual machines to accelerate processes of another system, such as Windows or Linux.

4. Drive as a summary of your favorites

Use the ramdisk for your latest files that you need for a task (eg in a project) to have always quickly accessible.


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